About Massage & Reiki

Massage for pets?
Yes! Just like people, dogs and cats can also benefit from gentle, theraputic massage.
Increased circulation of blood and lymph fluids
Increased flexibility and muscle efficiency
Pain reduction/endorphin release
Reduced injury/surgery recovery time
Stress reduction/relaxation
Release of anxiety, emotional stress
Performance enhancement / injury prevention
Release/flushing of toxins
Why Reiki?
Reiki is energy work. It requires little or no touch, and is the most gentle of therapies.
Opens chakras (energy pathways)
Unblocks energy flow, allowing the body to heal itself
Releases stress or blocked emotions, restoring balance
Reduces pain
Releases tight muscles
Releases/flushes toxins

Gently checking the spine for tight muscles or misalignments.

Sports massage can benefit young, athletic dogs who work and play hard.

Massage can gently relax tight muscles, allowing freedom of movement, fresh blood flow, and release of toxins.

Gently checking the spine for tight muscles or misalignments.

Reiki is gentle enough for most any animal; young, old, tiny, or large!

Reiki can gently benefit hip and knee conditions, such as hip dysplasia and arthritis.

Reiki is gentle enough for most any animal; young, old, tiny, or large!